Be Lit! Pentecost Sunday and every day!
Pentecost is the great feast when we celebrate the “birthday of the Church” through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It is not just a solemn celebration. It is a time for vigor, excitement, energy, movement, birth, fresh air and fresh commitment. If Pentecost has a sleepy feel to it in your life, wake up! Indeed, one of the best ways to celebrate it is to do just that: wake up! It’s a time to celebrate and worship. If you regularly go to church, invite someone to go with you for Pentecost Sunday because the Spirit birthed the fellowship of Jesus' disciples on that first Pentecost.
Take some time to think about the gifts the Spirit has given you: 'Is there a way I can use these to build up the community of disciples or help bring healing to others, to the credit of God alone?' The thanks that the Spirit wants for giving gifts is in your using them instead of sitting back and frittering away the opportunities.
We invite your special participation next weekend in two ways:
BRING A SMALL BELL to ring during the Gloria, just as we did during the Holy Triduum, but this time to signal the completion of the Easter Season.
WEAR RED, especially if it is part of clothing that represents your unique ethnic or cultural heritage. Red recalls the tongues of flame in which the Holy Spirit descended on the first Pentecost.