October 2011 Welcome Back, Parents Of Little Ones (POLO)!
Dear POLO Parents,
Welcome to another year of activities and service projects for our younger set. We are starting off the year with a new service project and a Fall "Meet and Greet" after Mass on October 9th.
Join us for apple cider, apple treats, activity and conversation to welcome old and new friends on Sunday, October 9th after the 9 a.m. Mass at the back lawn of church.
'Breaking Bread' is our latest service project that will offer young families the opportunity to touch the lives of fellow parishioners who have recently lost a loved one.
The Ministry of Compassion offers monthly fellowship and support for those who have lost a loved one. POLO's role would be to provide them with small, individually-wrapped home-baked items to be passed on with our thoughts, prayers and love attached. Even the youngest of our members can help to mix and pour in the kitchen and be a part of creating something for someone else.
How can a small child make a difference?
‘Breaking Bread’ service project started as an idea by a 6yr old parishioner who wanted to share the baked goods she had baked with others. The family brought them to the St. Joseph Church bereavement group. This simple act of kindness was so well received by the group that POLO is now expanding the opportunity to your family.
Come and experience for yourself how one small child can make a difference.
What is involved? Each month a different family would bake and individually wrap approximately 12 muffins/mini-breads/brownies/cookies and attach a card signed or drawn on by the children.
(Not a 'from scratch' baker? That's ok, box mixes work just as well.)
Remember it is the idea and thought behind this that is important. Plus, you are creating special family time, too. Baked goods can be dropped off at the rectory for the Ministry of Compassion on that Sunday morning or a few days ahead of time.
Meetings are on the first Sunday of the month - November 6, December 4, January 8, February 5, March 4 and April 1. If you are interested in participating, please reply to Liz Petroccia at lpetroccia@stjosephmaplewood.org
Little ones can learn about their faith through action.
Love your neighbor as yourself. [Matthew 22:39]
Mary and Candice