Wednesday, April 22, 2009


See photos of past SANTACRUZAN and MAY CROWNING

THE RECITATION OF THE ROSARY - The word Rosary means "Crown of Roses". Our Lady has revealed to several people that each time they say a Hail Mary they are giving her a beautiful rose and that each complete Rosary makes her a crown of roses. The rose is the queen of flowers, and so the Rosary is the rose of all devotions and it is therefore the most important one. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lies the awesome story of our salvation. With the Rosary in fact we meditate the mysteries of joy, of sorrow, the glory of Jesus and Mary and the important events in the life of the Lord in the mysteries of the light.

THE FLORAL OFFERING TO MARY - Laying flowers before Mary's statue is deeply embedded in Christian tradition. We invite and encourage children to bring whatever flowers can be found: lilacs, dandelions... or even just green leaves or fresh tips of evergreens. Most little children know the joy of bringing mom a gift of a bouquet. The little bouquet stands for the love the child has for mom. This also applies to our love for Mary, Jesus' mother and our mother.

THE BLESSING OF BOUQUETS FOR THE SENIORS - This is a new introduction in our parish. If you wish to share the joy to the seniors in nursing homes and retirement houses, you can make a small bouquet of fresh flowers. These bouquets will be blessed and the members of the St. Joseph Parish POLO (Parents of Little Ones) will deliver them to the seniors. This will be the second activity by the St. Joseph parish POLO members, the first was during Christmas Season with cards made by small children of the parish. We also welcome requests from families of senior citizens who they want to receive the blest bouquet of fresh flowers on Sunday, May 3.

THE CROWNING OF MARY - May crowning became popular in the United States. This practice continues in our parish today. A statue of Mary is honored with a wreath of blossoms to indicate Mary's virtues, virtues that were to be imitated by the faithful. One of the defining aspects of being Catholic is devotion to Mary. This activity is led by the members of the Rosary Altar Society and the Catholic Daughters of America. This year, we would like to make a very special invitation to children who made their First Communion, wearing their beautiful communion dresses and coats to participate in the May Crowning.

THE SANTACRUZAN FESTIVAL - PROCESSION - The annual outdoor May Procession follows immediately after Mass. The procession will cover Hilton Ave, Tuscan Rd, Lexington Ave and Prospect St. The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary will highlight the procession. Beautiful young ladies and their escorts will walk in the parade under a beautifully decorated arches bearing the various Titles of Mary. The festivity commemorates the search of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena (Reina Elena) and her son, the newly converted emperor Constantine. After the Holy Cross was found in Jerusalem and brought back to Rome, there was a joyful celebration for thanksgiving.

THE FELLOWSHIP - The celebration always culminates with a fellowship. There will be food, music and dance. This is also the time to meet new acquaintances. This activity is open for everyone present.

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