Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Why should you be interested in this? The Catholic Church acknowledges that all people are made in the image of God, and further that all baptized people share in the life and mission of the Church. In affirming this, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops issued the Pastoral Statement on People with Disabilities, which calls for the integration and fuller participation of people with disabilities into parish life. The department for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities for the Newark Archdiocese exists to support this call for inclusion.

At all times we should live the example Jesus gave to reach out in particular to people who are excluded and to recognize the gifts that all have to share. During the month of April in particular, please pray the following for families and people living with an autism spectrum disorder. Throughout the year other special intentions will be shared with you also.

Loving Creator God,
May the full splendor of your grace abide

with all Families touched by autism spectrum disorders.
Give your children with autism the strength
they need to learn something new today.
Give their parents the wisdom to see
and nurture their potential.

Bless their teachers, supporters and friends
whose commitment echoes your own faithfulness.
Encourage all people who gather in your name
to reach out and embrace those with autism.

Help us all to see your image reflected in those
who struggle with neurological disabilities.

We ask this in the name of your Son,
who loved those on the margins as his very own.

Mary Beth Walsh, Ph.D.

For more information contact:
Anne Masters
Director, Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
Newark Archdiocese
masteran@rcan.org 973-497-4309 www.rcan.org/disabilities

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