Monday, May 14, 2012

St. Joseph Prayer Shawl Ministry

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY GATHER WITH US ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 AT 12:30 IN THE MEETING ROOM Join us for the last gathering before summer! Can you knit or crochet a simple shawl? Are you interested in knitting and praying for someone in need of solace? Shawls made with compassionate hands and prayerful hearts can be symbolic of the embrace of our God, who loves unconditionally. They encircle, shelter and warm those who receive them. Imagine the uplift to someone in need of comfort and support when they are offered a prayer shawl, a gift of your talent and prayers; a hug from Christ! A dedicated group of people are busily knitting shawls and praying for those who are suffering. If you would like to join our ministry, or make a donation of yarn, call the rectory 973-761-5933.

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