Blessing of the New Fire, Easter Proclamation and
Celebration of Salvation History with combined choir and brass quartet
The EASTER VIGIL is the high point of the EASTER TRIDUUM celebrating the passion and resurrection of Jesus. With a rich display of symbols, rites and readings, the church in worship expresses her faith in the mystery that brings her into being. The night vigil of Easter signifies Christ's passage from the dead to the living by the liturgy which begins in darkness with the BLESSING OF THE NEW FIRE.
The PASCHAL CANDLE is then lit representing “LUMEN CHRISTI”, the Light of Christ, just as the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, the community of believers, is led from spiritual darkness to the light of His truth. The candle, lit from the new fire is then processed into the community, and we receive its light and experience the power of that light as it grows. When the candle is brought front and center, the presider chants the EASTER PROCLAMATION called the “EXSULTET.”
A series of SCRIPTURE READINGS recalls the great interventions of God in history, from creation to the redemption of Israel from Egypt. After the last reading from the Old Testament, the altar candles are lit and the bells ring as we sing the “GLORIA”. Now we are ready to hear the New Testament readings and the GOSPEL account: "He has been raised!"
The BLESSING OF WATER celebrates our new life with Christ. Following is the initiation to the Catholic Church celebrated with the BAPTISM OF CATECHUMENS. Initiation and revitalization become one this night with the celebration of the SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION. All our preparations, all the power of this night's rituals and sacraments, lead us to celebrate the EUCHARIST, to "give God thanks and praise."
THE TOMB IS EMPTY. There is Light in the midst of our darkness. We've been fed by the Word and given new life in the waters of baptism. Now we eat his Body and drink his Blood and receive the life in him that he promises.
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